The following PDF files hold the current results of SFTI’s “Common API” working group:

This files holds general information of any other file that currently makes up the “Common API” specification.

This file holds any (technical) information that is not characteristic to a specific business domain.

This file holds the business cases which are related to the Payment API spec.

This file holds the open API 3.0 compliant description of the Payment API.

This file holds the business cases which are related to the Access to Account API spec.

This file holds the open API 3.0 compliant description of the Access to Account API.

This file contains all the artifacts common to all loans-related API specifications (and will therefore continue to grow).

This file holds the business cases which are related to the Mortgage API spec.

This file holds the open API 3.0 compliant description of all Loan APIs, starting with the Mortgage API.

We have uploaded the yaml files as PDF files. The source texts can be provided on request.

To get access to the plain yaml files, as well as for more information about the results of the Common API working group listed above, please contact